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Showing posts from October, 2017


Throughout history, God has sent to humanity a series of divine Educators—known as Manifestations of God—whose teachings have provided the basis for the advancement of civilization. These Manifestations have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, explained that the religions of the world come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God. Bahá’ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the future of society and of the nature and purpose of life. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh. The Bahai Administration as a structure for the Education of Humanity The Inaccessibility of God Baha'u'llah: From time immemorial He hath been veiled in the ineffable sanctity of His exalted Self, and will everlastingly continue to be wrapt in the impenetrable mystery of His unknowable Essence. Every attempt to attain to an under...

Infant School Assembly

INTRODUCTION Introduction to The Bahai Faith...Mankind is One. The Story of Edward Granville Brown's meeting with Baha'u'llah. THE BICENTENARY 200 years ago in 1817 Baha'u'llah was born. He came to unite all the people on earth and spread Justice and peace. He came to make sure every child had a home and a school to go to and food to eat and water to drink. And above all he came to stop peiople quarrelling anmd spread love and happiness nthroughout the world He was like the Sun spreading light and happinness on every one!! WE ARE DROPS We are Drops of one ocean we are waves of one sea...come and join us in our quest for unity its a way of life for you and me. All the world is one country, man is one cant you see...come and join us in our quest for unity its a way of life for you and me. THE COAT Abdu’l-Bahá preferred inexpensive clothes for Himself. When He had extra clothes He always gave them away to others. One day He was going to entertain the Governor of...