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Showing posts from September, 2017


Heres an idea have four boards or recepticles signifying the different kinds of love. For each excert from the writings place it in the recepticle in which it belongs(asking the audience to choose) Maybe just have two baskets one called fish love the other called real love and one with a big question mark on it. Have a selection of printed cards with statements on them and the audience votes which box it belongs in.... Then afetr the deepening./workshop repeat the excersceise to see if we have changed our minds about any of them. Dear Friends what is love????? Loyal Obedient Virtuous Eternal Lovely Obsessive Voluptous Exciting Scripts We each one of us have internalised scripts that we un-conciously follow. These scripts come from traditions.stories, media (films and songs) and our own experiences. we tend to follow these scripts in our relationships with one amd other and we find oursleves looking for our ideal Prince or Princess. We have a new Script the Writings and admoni...