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Throughout history, God has sent to humanity a series of divine Educators—known as Manifestations of God—whose teachings have provided the basis for the advancement of civilization. These Manifestations have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, explained that the religions of the world come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God. Bahá’ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the future of society and of the nature and purpose of life. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh. The Bahai Administration as a structure for the Education of Humanity The Inaccessibility of God Baha'u'llah: From time immemorial He hath been veiled in the ineffable sanctity of His exalted Self, and will everlastingly continue to be wrapt in the impenetrable mystery of His unknowable Essence. Every attempt to attain to an under...

Infant School Assembly

INTRODUCTION Introduction to The Bahai Faith...Mankind is One. The Story of Edward Granville Brown's meeting with Baha'u'llah. THE BICENTENARY 200 years ago in 1817 Baha'u'llah was born. He came to unite all the people on earth and spread Justice and peace. He came to make sure every child had a home and a school to go to and food to eat and water to drink. And above all he came to stop peiople quarrelling anmd spread love and happiness nthroughout the world He was like the Sun spreading light and happinness on every one!! WE ARE DROPS We are Drops of one ocean we are waves of one sea...come and join us in our quest for unity its a way of life for you and me. All the world is one country, man is one cant you see...come and join us in our quest for unity its a way of life for you and me. THE COAT Abdu’l-Bahá preferred inexpensive clothes for Himself. When He had extra clothes He always gave them away to others. One day He was going to entertain the Governor of...


Heres an idea have four boards or recepticles signifying the different kinds of love. For each excert from the writings place it in the recepticle in which it belongs(asking the audience to choose) Maybe just have two baskets one called fish love the other called real love and one with a big question mark on it. Have a selection of printed cards with statements on them and the audience votes which box it belongs in.... Then afetr the deepening./workshop repeat the excersceise to see if we have changed our minds about any of them. Dear Friends what is love????? Loyal Obedient Virtuous Eternal Lovely Obsessive Voluptous Exciting Scripts We each one of us have internalised scripts that we un-conciously follow. These scripts come from traditions.stories, media (films and songs) and our own experiences. we tend to follow these scripts in our relationships with one amd other and we find oursleves looking for our ideal Prince or Princess. We have a new Script the Writings and admoni...

A Presentation on the theme of Life After Death

Precis: Song: Nobody dies; A Definition of Life; Scientific Proofs; Quantum Holography; Life as energy and Radiation; The Spirit of John Lennon, Jesus, Krishna, Aunt Madge...Living Letters, a demonstration. Near Death Experiences; Visions and Dreams; Why are Children taken into the Next World so early?? Do we return?; Transhumanism (a new movement); The Nature of the Next World; What we need to do to get there; Bahai Buriel; The big Debate. Baha’u’llah: In the same way the world of the Kingdom is sanctified from everything that can be perceived by the eye or by the other senses—hearing, smell, taste or touch. The mind which is in man, the existence of which is recognized—where is it in him? If you examine the body with the eye, the ear or the other senses, you will not find it; nevertheless, it exists. Therefore, the mind has no place, but it is connected with the brain. The Kingdom is also like this. In the same way love has no place, but it is connected with the heart; so the Kingd...